If you’ve ever looked for small business blogs, you know how common they are—it seems like everyone is blogging about them.
Most of these blogs are simply marketing vehicles, with the producers attempting to entice you in with a few pieces of general information and advice before pitching you on whatever they want to offer to small companies.
There are, however, certain blogs that provide small company owners assistance, insight, and advice on how to develop profitable companies.
A crowd-curated blog featuring small business news and recommendations. The readers of BizSugar share business blog pieces, videos, and other information from which the site’s readers might learn something.
Those that share content are strengthening their reputation and brand, as well as increasing their content online prominence income support dates.
The community votes on member-submitted tips, advice, and information, with the most popular (and hence most beneficial) postings being promoted to the front page.
Top posts are promoted to the top of the page and have a chance to make the BizSugar Top 10 list.
Kabbage is changing the way small businesses locate and apply for loans online, and its blog is full of advice on how to develop, manage, invest, and innovate your company.
Triggers in the Social Environment
Derek Halpern’s blog, where he writes on sales, marketing, business, and social media. Inc. magazine dubbed Halpern “the maestro of social media” and the realm of online communications.
Marketers who do it themselves
Small business owners’ marketing budgets are frequently constrained. DIY Marketers is a show hosted by Ivana Taylor that focuses on unique marketing tactics that help you reach more consumers for less money.
Penelope Trunk is a fictional character.
Penelope Trunk, an entrepreneur, shares her candid and humorous thoughts on founding, operating, and marketing a business.
There’s also advice on productivity, management, blogging, and other business-related topics, as well as life lessons—all of which are, of course, Trunk’s, but nonetheless important.
Professors of Marketing
Ann Handley has you covered if you’re searching for a roundup of the latest and greatest marketing advice and news.
Her goal with Marketing Profs is to provide real-world facts and examples to teach current marketers. You receive access to their greatest stuff if you join as a PRO member.
Both sides of the table are involved.
Mark Suster, a two-time entrepreneur who sold one of his firms to Salesforce.com before becoming a venture capitalist, writes a blog. He blogs on startups, entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, management, leadership, and other topics as a general partner at Upfront Ventures.
The granddaddy of content marketing blogs. Copyblogger can help you improve your content marketing abilities in a variety of ways.
They provide some of the most useful information resources on the internet, and their themes are diverse. Writing well is a talent that needs a lot of study and practice, and Copyblogger can help you get better at it.
Fred Wilson, the managing partner of two venture capital companies, Flatiron Partners and Union Square Ventures, has created a blog.
Wilson has been a venture capitalist for more than 20 years and is a leader in the entrepreneurial community.
Since September 2003, he has been writing on the blog every day, about a variety of themes that are all linked to starting and maintaining a business (while also trying to live a somewhat normal life).
With OPEN Forum, American Express has truly outdone itself. They cover everything from agile marketing to business culture creation and everything in between.
Swinscoe, Adrian
Interviews with business executives and postings about customer experience, developing a customer-centric business.
Everything is social! Buffer’s transparency is one of my favorite features. They are not hesitant to share their data, as well as what they have learned and what they have failed at.
They have a thriving community of Buffer blog readers who want to talk about what they’ve learned. Chat with Buffer’s content producers and learn from them in a fun, welcoming environment.
The King of Franchises
Joel Libava, aka The Franchise King®, maintains a blog. Libava is the author of Becoming a Franchise Owner.
Everything you ever wanted to know about investigating, purchasing, and owning a franchise is in The Star-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What You Do (John Wiley).
Small Business That Will Survive
This blog, is written by Stephen L. Nelson, a Seattle-based CPA who specializes in serving small business owners.
Focuses on the details of running a small business, such as tax issues involving LLCs, a review of do-it-yourself incorporation kits, Affordable Care Act information for small businesses, and how to deal with past-due tax returns.
Learn from a diverse group of enthusiastic business executives who have more than just business ideas. At Mixergy, the mission comes first. Google’s Small Business Program
This is Google’s official blog for small business owners, where the firm discusses new releases, new Google products and how to use them, instructional content such as how to set up your first data stream, as well as expert opinions on how to use social media effectively. Although the blog is somewhat promotional—after all, it is mostly about Google goods and tools—it is nevertheless really valuable.
Marketing using Duct Tape
His name is John Jantsch, and his title is “World’s Most Practical Small Business Expert.” Duct Tape Marketing is his company, and he provides small business owners and marketers with trustworthy marketing guidance.
Farnam Street is a street in the city of Farnam
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