Avoid using introductory phrases like “end of my thinking”. It’s tempting to start your conclusion like this, but it’s a cliché that deters readers. No need to use any special words to start the ending and Buy Essay Online Cheap.- If you want to use an introductory phrase, look for a stronger one, such as “Based on evidence”. An option also is to start the first sentence with terms like “beyond”, “however” or “how”.
- Avoid words like “closing,” “summarising,” or “closing. “
Shape the conclusion of the introduction. These two sections are very different from each other, but they share some characteristics. For example, you would end your introduction with a thesis statement and begin the conclusion by re -examining that statement. In addition, its conclusion can be continued with the ideas and information presented in the introduction, strictly closing the text.- For example, let’s say you start the introduction with an anecdote, a quote or an image. Continue it to the end. Also, if you start with a rhetorical question, offer a possible answer at the end of it.
Include all your arguments presented, rather than focusing on one. Many people make the mistake of discussing only the strongest arguments or those presented last. The problem is that it can end the failure of the task altogether. The ideal is, in conclusion, to provide an overview of how to put together your arguments to support your ideas, rather than allow you to change your most important point.- For example, you shouldn’t end your essay by allowing students to use the library at rest by saying that “As the evidence shows, using the library at lunch is a great way to improve student performance, as it increases the chances of them doing their homework.In one survey, students who use the library did it to research, clear doubts and conclude tasks ahead. ”This way, you ignore important arguments like reading more and having a place to spend the rest in someone else’s company.
Do not submit new information. It’s hard to draw a conclusion, because you certainly don’t want to repeat what you’ve said. However, it is not nice to add a new one. Re -read what you wrote to verify that you did not present any new arguments or evidence. Everything in the conclusion needs to be discussed in advance.
- If you added something very important to the conclusion, go back to developing the task and include that topic in another part of the text. If you want, leave the thing; this is better than showing it in conclusion, believe me.
Examine your conclusion before delivering the task. Leave the text for a few hours to clear your head. Then, re -read everything you wrote, looking for typos, spelling and Portuguese in general. Finally, see if your writing makes sense and clearly reflects your positions.- If something is not understood or seems incomplete, review the conclusion until your ideas are clear.
- It is useful to re-read the whole work after writing the conclusion, because you will see everyone with different eyes.
- Don’t just repeat what you wrote before. It’s important to bring back ideas, but do it in a new way.
- Do not write the conclusion until you have written the entire essay. It will be easier to come to a conclusion after saying everything you want to say at work.
- Do not add evidence or statistics to your conclusion. This information must be in the body of the work.
- Review the whole task by reading aloud. This will help you identify grammatical mistakes, strange passages or repetition.
- Do not copy the ideas or words of others without giving credit, as this is plagiarism. If you get caught up in part of your job, even the conclusion, you will face severe academic punishment.
- Do not express your doubts about your ideas or arguments. Whenever you share your ideas, assume an expert role.